Monday, February 4, 2008

ch 7 questions

“Seven” — In Chapter Seven, each character’s story continues to unfold. Enrique, having been separated from his mother for eleven years, struggles to accept her advice and discipline. Lourdes continues to struggle financially and in her relationship with her son. Maria Isabel, separated from the father of her baby, struggles to rear the child and to assure the baby that her father in America will someday return or send for them. The chapter ends as Maria Isabel, four years after Enrique left Honduras, leaves herself to try to find a better life for her child.

  1. Pick out 5 new voc words define, sentence, book sentence, pic
  2. What motivates Enrique to stay in the United States? What things make him wish to return to Honduras?
  3. What factors cause conflict between Enrique and Lourdes? How do they seek to overcome these factors?
  4. Contrast Enrique’s life in the United States with the life he left behind.
  5. How do you feel when Maria Isabel leaves Honduras?
  6. Once reunited, how do Enrique and his mother get along?
  7. How does Enrique’s relationship with Maria Isabel progress?
  8. What conflicts arise between Maria Isabel and Enrique’s family?
  9. How does the book end as it began?


Anonymous said...

What motivates Enrique to stay in the United States? What things make him wish to return to Honduras? What motivates Enrique to stay in the U.S. is the money he is making and his daughter motivates him to go back.
What factors cause conflict between Enrique and Lourdes? How do they seek to overcome these factors? The factors are his language and his attitude, they overcome the factors by talking and agreeing with each other.
Contrast Enrique’s life in the United States with the life he left behind. He eats more in the U.S. and he has good paying job and he has left his family back in Honduras and sends money.
How do you feel when Maria Isabel leaves Honduras? I feel bad but I think that she did what she had to do to take care of her daughter.
Once reunited, how do Enrique and his mother get along? They get along very good and how a mother and a son should get along.
How does Enrique’s relationship with Maria Isabel progress? He hires a coyote to cross Maria into the U.S.
What conflicts arise between Maria Isabel and Enrique’s family? They stop contact with each other.
How does the book end as it began? The book ends by Maria Isabel leaving her daughter and heading to the U.S.

Anonymous said...

After reading today’s reading my potluck prediction was wrong because they do not do what I predicted because instead of both of them going to opposite places Maria Isabel goes to the U.S. The setting for today’s reading took place during December in the U.S. and Honduras. The main people involved were Enrique, Maria Isabel, Jasmine and Lourdes. Jasmine effected Enrique because he wanted to be with his daughter and not make her feel bad. In the beginning of the reading Maria Isabel and Jasmine start talking to each other and talking about her day. Then Maria Isabel moves out of her mothers and lives in a hut. After Jasmine starts to call another man her dad and looks up to him as his dad. Later they send a coyote to bring Maria Isabel to the U.S. and leaves Jasmine behind.