Friday, December 7, 2007

Rebellion questions due 12-10-07


In what ways does Enrique show rebellion? At school and at home.

Who is Enrique’s new guardian?

How do Enrique and Belky’s lives differ?

Where do children work to find food for themselves and families? Describe its environment.

In school, what are given and taken from the children before and after school each day? Why is this?

Since California is too expensive and hard to live in, where does Lourdes move to?

Do you think that Lourdes wants to go back to Honduras or stay in America? Based on her actions.

Does living with Uncle Marco and his girlfriend give Enrique a chance to live a better life? Explain.

Violence erupts as you read on, how does Enrique find more information about the trains?

How does Lourdes feel about Honduras now that her brother has died?

Who is Uncle Marco’s girlfriend taking her anger out on for the loss of Marco? What does she do?

Predict where Enrique will go next?

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